

DediProg not only provide dedicated solutions for high-efficiency equipment for production but also offer engineering development by continuously investing in technologies and quality control.

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Programming Systems



  • DP2T is the most compact & cost-saving automated IC device programming system. It is able to embed with either one unit of the universal device programmer (Prog-Master-S8) to support SPI Flash, EEPROM, MCU, and CPLD…etc. Or All-in-one device Programmer (NuProgPlus) to support all devices such as SPI Flash, EEPROM, MCU, CPLD, eMMC & UFS…etc.
  • DP2T also supports both input & output in Tray or Tape & Reel. With the stable quality & high efficiency, the UPH can easily go up to 1000. Save your budget & lower your labor cost starts from DP2T now.